Bose nc 700 eclipse with charging case limited edition black with rose gold
      Bose nc 700 eclipse with charging case limited edition black with rose goldBose nc 700 eclipse with charging case limited edition black with rose goldBose nc 700 eclipse with charging case limited edition black with rose goldBose nc 700 eclipse with charging case limited edition black with rose goldBose nc 700 eclipse with charging case limited edition black with rose goldBose nc 700 eclipse with charging case limited edition black with rose goldBose nc 700 eclipse with charging case limited edition black with rose goldBose nc 700 eclipse with charging case limited edition black with rose goldBose nc 700 eclipse with charging case limited edition black with rose goldBose nc 700 eclipse with charging case limited edition black with rose gold

Bose nc 700 eclipse with charging case limited edition black with rose gold

$ 94.20
Item id: 11595
Availability: in stock

Bose nc 700 eclipse with charging case limited edition black with rose gold

Used as a backup for my calls. I replaced the ear ups about a month ago. My primary headphones are AirPods Max and AirPods Pro. So I am selling this one.

Case is dusty and worn from having headphones stored. Including replacement ear nylon letters for fitting inside next to the speakers.

Case battery is excellent as I rarely use the case to recharge the headphones. I recently bought a pair of XM5 headphones and my coworkers said these Bose sounded better so I returned the Sony XM5s. Bose nc 700 eclipse with charging case limited edition black with rose goldBose nc 700 eclipse with charging case limited edition black with rose goldBose nc 700 eclipse with charging case limited edition black with rose goldBose nc 700 eclipse with charging case limited edition black with rose goldBose nc 700 eclipse with charging case limited edition black with rose goldBose nc 700 eclipse with charging case limited edition black with rose goldBose nc 700 eclipse with charging case limited edition black with rose goldBose nc 700 eclipse with charging case limited edition black with rose goldBose nc 700 eclipse with charging case limited edition black with rose goldBose nc 700 eclipse with charging case limited edition black with rose gold
Headphones & MP3 Players
Bluetooth Headphones